- The unique event of bringing the Bo-sapling of the sacred Jayasiri Maha Bodhi (under which our blessed one, the enlightened one, attained the supreme bliss of Buddhahood) from India to Anuradhapura by Sangha Miththa Maha Rahath Therani (Emperor Asoka’s daughter, Arahat Mahinda thera’s sister, young beautiful, charming, princess Sangamitta, who entered the Bhikkuni Sasana at the age of 18 years). Sangamitta Therani arrived in Dambakolapatuna port in Jaffna (after seven days of sea journey) with a right branch of the Sri Maha Bodhi in India accompanied by a retinue of several others who joined her in this voyage. This Bo-Sapling was planted in the "Mahamevuna Uyana", the headquarters of Buddhism in ancient Sri Lanka. This event symbolises that Buddhism took deep root throughout the length and breadth of Sri Lanka.
- The second most important mission or the purpose of Sangamitta’s arrival, was the establishment of Bhikkuni Sasanaya or order of the Buddhist nuns. Queen Anula, was the first to be ordained. Later thousands of ladies from all walks of life entered the Buddhist order as Bhikkunis.