Nikin Poya Program will be observed on Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm at the Georgia Buddhist Vihara. We invite you all to join the program.
Venerable Heenbunne Kondanna Thero will be conducting the Nikini Poya Program. It can be more beneficial for the children. Children Sil Program will start at 8; 30 am till 2:30 pm.

8:30 am-8:45am -Observance of the eight Precepts, for adult and children/ Buddha Puja and Heel Dana.
8:45am- 9:15am-(self Serving breakfast)
Tea & coffee break
9:15am-10: 15am- 1.Dhamma Desanawa in Sinhala By Ven, Piyananda Thero
2: Children program by Ven, Kondanna Thero
10-15:am-11am- Bhavana for all (adult and especially for the Children) by Bhante Kondanna Thero
11:00am-Buddha Pooja (Must start @ 11.00)
Dana offering to the Bhanthes and those who observe eight precepts; (Self Serving lunch)
12: noon-Luncheon
1:30- 2:30 Activities for the for the children by Konddanna Thero;
Sutra Discussion By Bhante Wajrabodhi
Sutra Discussion By Bhante Wajrabodhi
2:30-2:45 Tea & coffee break
2.45-5:30- Discussion with Bhante Kondanna Thero
Termination of the Sil and Gilanpasa Puja